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Lancaster Hole to Link Pot via Cape Kennedy


Notts II – the old gits Christmas Trip
Saturday, 2 December 2006

Ruthless efficiency saw Tim breaking down the door of Inglesport before it was open to gain his cup of tea. The rest of the team arrived over the next few hours. After a bit of car rationalisation we headed up to Leck Fell in the driving rain and ‘fresh’ cold wind. Changing on Leck still relies on having everything ready and being quick about it. When will global warming reach the dales?
The trip was soon underground with much oohing and aahhing at the feat of engineering that is the entrance climb. And much )*)%^^$&()$!!! when you get a scaffold bar where one should not be.
We dropped a ladder, and ourselves, down the short pitch at the end of the rift before gaining the stream way. We headed down stream to tick that sump. The short waterfall climb was ?refreshing?. Upstream the fine classic dales canyon gave Mr Williams many photo opportunities before we broke out into the wider stream way. More oohs and ahhs this time due to the deep puddles reaching waist height, or higher, on some people.

We forsook the main stream way for a quick grovel up Poppy Passage (think Pashendale with extra mud). Dom refused the muddy duck, and as he was in the lead and blocking the passage we all had to turn around and go out (phew). A quick trip up the main stream to the Notts sump saw Ann go the deepest/furthest. More photo stops on the way back to record the pretties (the formations not Ian Brown). More oohing and ahhing as three people tripped over the Sam Allshorne rock at the start of one of the deeper pools leading them to again get wetter than they hoped for.
We were out as daylight was fading and back to Inglesport in time for ?Tea and Medals? before the Helwith Bridge for dinner and ranting by CDG types and beer kicking by Newcastle Uni cavers.
A good trip and well worth the effort of getting the permit.


Oooooh what happened to you? Whatever happened to me? What became of the team ohh – we used to be?

Andy Tharratt

Monday, 04 December 2006

tomorrow’s almost over, today went by so fast

David Brock

Monday, 11 December 2006

Dodgy Characters
Posted by: Tim Williams
Size: 97kb
Width: 600 pixels
Height: 450 pixels
Posted: 04 December 2006
Entrance shaft engineering
Posted by: Tim Williams
Size: 96kb
Width: 600 pixels
Height: 450 pixels
Posted: 04 December 2006
Anne’s nice wellies
Posted by: Tim Williams
Size: 92kb
Width: 600 pixels
Height: 450 pixels
Posted: 04 December 2006
Dom in downstream passage
Posted by: Tim Williams
Size: 83kb
Width: 450 pixels
Height: 600 pixels
Posted: 04 December 2006
Upstream pretties
Posted by: Tim Williams
Size: 84kb
Width: 450 pixels
Height: 600 pixels
Posted: 04 December 2006