Sell Gill
Sunday, 20 March 2011
We reached Ingleton reasonably late due to an impressive amount of faff. More faff ensued and by the time we reached Sell Gill it was the afternoon. Chris and I rigged and Egle enjoyed her first underground SRT trip. Once at the bottom we explored the small amount of cave that leads off from the main chamber. Nobody followed me through the duck (ex sump) as they had more sense than me. Once out we had a Chinese in Settle (the chippies were shut) and relaxed in the Golden Lion.
Brave move going to the Settle chinese; possibly the worst I’ve ever been to, anywhere in the world!
Lyndon Easterbrook
Monday, 28 March 2011
it took me awhile to recall where we ate that night… and i concur the impressive faffing…i liked the trip generally 😀
Friday, 08 April 2011