
This page outlines the ulsa constitution as of December 2022.


1.1 The club shall be called University of Leeds Speleological Association (ULSA).

1.2 The objective of the club is to foster interest in cave exploration and to contribute to the study of speleology and related sciences.


2.1 Membership takes effect upon payment of the relevant subscription to ULSA.

2.2 Categories of membership and associated rights are shown below

2.2.1 Ordinary Membership shall be open to all members of the Leeds University Union and the Leeds University body, past and present. All members of the student caving society of Leeds University Union are also, therefore, ordinary members of ULSA. Rights: To attend all meetings of the club. To stand for election to any of the offices set out in the constitution. To propose or second candidates for office. To vote for all officers as are put up for election. To vote on all motions brought to an AGM or SGM. To act as proxy for no more than two other club members at an AGM or SGM.

2.2.2 Associated Membership may be extended to other persons other than those defined above at the discretion of the ULSA committee (decided at a relevant committee meeting). 2.2.2 Associated Membership may be extended to other persons other than those defined above at the discretion of the ULSA committee (decided at a relevant committee meeting). Rights: As per an ordinary member with the exception of 3.2 below.

2.2.3 Honorary Members may be elected at an AGM. Honorary members shall pay no ULSA subscription but would still need to purchase BCA insurance to cave in the UK with the club. Rights: As per an ordinary member with the exception of 3.2 below.


3.1 The committee shall consist of three core officers (President, Secretary, Treasurer), and up to fifteen additional members.

3.2 The three core officers must be Ordinary Members as outlined in 2.2.1

3.3 Any additional committee members must be Ordinary, Associated or Honorary Members as outlined in 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3.

3.4 All committee members shall be appointed by a vote at the AGM or an SGM.

3.5 The term of office for all committee positions shall be approximately twelve months.


4.1 The Core Officers have overall responsibility for the good running and financial oversight of the Club for the benefit of its members and in line with the stated objectives.

4.2 The primary duties of Core Officers are:

4.2.1 Attending all relevant meetings.

4.2.2 Being signatories on the club’s bank account

4.2.3 Arranging and attending AGMs and SGMs in line with the timeframes set out in this constitution.

4.2.4 Dealing with any complaints or disciplinary matters in line with the criteria set out in this constitution.

4.3 Failure to fulfil these duties may result in a motion of no-confidence and removal from office via an SGM or at the AGM.

4.4 The three Core Officers have additional individual roles alongside those outlined in 4.2

4.4.1 President

- Organising and overseeing the running of the club.

- Chairing committee meetings, AGMs and SGMs.

- Producing an annual report.

4.4.2 Secretary

- Dealing with all communications.

- Publishing notifications and agendas for meetings within the timeframes set out in this constitution.

- Ensuring that quorum has been met at meetings.

- Taking minutes at meetings and publishing them in a timely manner.

4.4.3 Treasurer

- Keeping up to date accounts.

- Preparing an annual financial report.

- Producing accounts on request by a club member.

Read the rest of the consititution...

Download a copy of the full ULSA constitution (correct as of December 2022).